Shadele is a challenging color-based puzzle game inspired by Mastermind and Wordle. Your goal is to guess the correct sequence of 4 colors in 10 attempts (or just 7 in hard mode). After each guess, you'll receive feedback on how many colors are correct and in the right position, and how many colors are correct but in the wrong position.
The game uses 6 colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Colors can be repeated in the code, which means you could have multiple instances of the same color. This makes the game quite challenging, as there are 1,296 possible combinations!
Be prepared: Shadele is a difficult puzzle that often requires most of your available attempts to solve. Don't be discouraged if you don't solve it in just a few tries!
Hard mode reduces your attempts from 10 to 7, making the challenge significantly more difficult.
A good starting strategy is to use as many different colors as possible in your first few guesses. This helps you identify which colors are in the code.
Start with a guess like Red-Orange-Yellow-Green. If you get feedback that two colors are correct (regardless of position), you know that two of these colors are in the code and two are not.
Once you've identified some or all of the colors in the code, you can start working on their positions.
Let's walk through a sample game to see how you might apply these strategies in a realistic scenario:
This tells us one color is in the correct position, and one color is correct but in the wrong position.
Now we know that blue and/or purple are in the code, and red and/or orange are in the code, but none are in the correct positions in this guess.
We're making some progress. Based on our previous guesses, we can deduce that green might be in the correct position.
Now we're getting somewhere! We've discovered that blue appears twice in the code, and we have two colors in the correct position.
Still at 2 correct positions. We need to try different arrangements.
Progress! Now we have 3 colors in the correct position. Just one more to go.
Still at 3 correct positions. Purple isn't right for the second position.
Success! We've solved the puzzle in 8 attempts by using a systematic approach and learning from each guess. This is a more realistic outcome than solving it in just a few tries.
Use your first few guesses to systematically eliminate colors. For example, if your first guess uses 4 different colors and you get feedback that 2 are correct, then try 4 completely different colors in your second guess. This will help you quickly identify which colors are in the code.
Once you know which colors are in the code, test different positions by keeping some colors fixed and moving others. Pay close attention to how the feedback changes with each guess.
Remember that colors can be repeated. If you've identified all the colors but your feedback doesn't add up to 4 total correct colors, it's likely that one or more colors are repeated in the code. Testing for duplicates early can save you attempts.
Keep track of what you've learned from each guess. If you know a certain color is in the code but not in a specific position, mark that down and use it to inform your future guesses.
In hard mode, with only 7 attempts, you need to be more efficient:
Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you might not solve the puzzle within the allowed attempts. This is normal and happens to everyone! When this occurs:
Like any puzzle game, the more you play Shadele, the better you'll get. Each day brings a new puzzle, so come back daily to test your skills and see if you can maintain your streak!